Changes to Funded Childcare Support: What it means for families, employees, and businesses


Changes are on the horizon in the Childcare sector. The most important thing, from the perspective of The Childcare Company (part of Impact Futures Group), is to help ensure that people are prepared, and supported.

The UK government has introduced a new policy, announcing that it will extend the number of funded childcare hours available to parents. This extension is intended to ease the financial burden on working families. However, this presents a challenge for childcare providers. Increased demand will undoubtedly put additional pressure on organisations and staff. However, it is essential that the quality of care is never compromised as a result. 

That’s where The Childcare Company can help. Our training programmes empower providers and professionals alike to enhance individual and team skills, and rise to meet any challenge. 

Let’s take a closer look at these changes, what they mean, and how best to navigate them.

The government policy

Here’s a breakdown of this new initiative:

  • As of April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds can already access 15 hours of funded childcare support
  • From September 2024, it opens up to parents of children between 9 months old and age 3, with 15 hours of funded childcare support
  • From September 2025, this will increase to 30 hours for parents of children between 9 months old and age 3

These hours can be used over the 38 weeks of school term time per year, or over 52 weeks if eligible parents use fewer than the total hours allocated per week.

What this means for childcare providers and workers

This shift, while great for parents of young children, will mean more parents accessing childcare than ever before, a wider age range of children in childcare, and a more pressing need to ensure that the quality of care never dips as a direct result of these factors.

Nurseries and other early years environments will need to adapt, and quickly, to be able to accommodate more children of more varied ages, remain compliant with regulations, and keep standards of care as high as possible.

Finding a solution

If you run a childcare facility, or you work in the childcare industry, you may find the prospect of these changes quite daunting. However, you can rest assured that trusted training providers, like The Childcare Company for example, are on hand to help support your needs.

Here are just some of the ways The Childcare Company can assist: 

  • Bolstering your team: We can help source qualified and certified apprentices to add to your team, as well as enrol existing staff on programmes that will fortify their abilities
  • Securing funding: Whether utilising levy funds or government funding, we will do everything to ensure that course costs are not a burden on your budget
  • Leading-edge learning: Our courses are delivered via a blend of online and in-person teaching. Our highly-skilled Development Coaches tailor training to your team and specific business operations

Ongoing support: We will be there to support whatever you need every step of the way. We can even advise on extended learning pathways to keep team skills fresh and stay ahead of emerging sector trends

Upskilling new and existing staff will put you and your team in a stronger position to efficiently navigate the upcoming industry shake-up, as well as any other future challenges that might arise.

Getting you on the best path possible

They say a change is as good as the rest. Of course, change is good; but it also means we have to calibrate and adapt as circumstances shift. Work in childcare doesn’t have to get harder. The new government policy is an opportunity – to benefit significantly, and become better than ever before.

Regardless of whether you are a childcare business with a terrific team, an individual working in the sector, or an apprentice looking for an amazing opportunity, The Childcare Company can ensure your success no matter how the industry evolves. Making sure that parents have peace of mind, and that children have a place that’s comfortable and safe, is what matters the most. As a market-leading provider of childcare education, we’ll work together with you as a partner in your prosperity.

Explore our full range of funded childcare programmes, and discover what’s possible for you and your team. Please reach out to The Childcare Company on 01753 596 004, or email for more information on the ways we can support you.

Got any questions?

We’re all about making an impact, be that individuals making an impact through their day-to-day work, or by organisations making their impact on our economy.

As a national training provider, we make this impact throughout the UK, with expertise in childcare, healthcare, clinical and business skills apprenticeships.

If you have any questions, whether it be about this article or anything else, complete the form below, call us on 01753 596 004, or email us.

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