Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate:

A fresh approach to solving the sector’s staff shortages

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has introduced the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate - a new qualification developed for the adult social care workforce. To ensure maximum uptake and success, this initiative is backed by £53.91 million of government funding.

The inspiration behind the initiative

The UK care sector is suffering under the strain of a shortage of qualified staff. Training providers like Impact Futures are enabling individuals with a passion for care excellence to obtain the knowledge, skills, and behaviours needed to ease this industry burden, as well as facilitate meaningful careers and a high standard of care delivery. However, more needs to be done to resolve this challenge.

Now, the UK government has also taken action in the form of this new qualification, in an effort to ease the pressure on care organisations, and facilitate an influx of freshly qualified care professionals, to reinvigorate the industry.

Who is the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate for?

In terms of eligibility, learners must be aged 19 and over to enrol and receive allocated funding. This is because the qualification doesn’t contain any English or Maths, making it more suitable for people with more life experience who need less support with these skills. That said, to keep in line with Department for Education policy, it’s important for younger learners to continue the study of English and Maths until aged 19.

Up to 37,000 individuals working in direct care will be supported to complete the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate. The qualification has been developed from the 15 Care Certificate standards, which are widely used throughout the industry. It’s a real testament to the government’s recognition of the care industry’s incredible work as a whole.

Astonishingly, over 50% of the current care workforce don’t hold an accredited qualification. However, the sector is blessed with experienced and committed colleagues who deserve to be acknowledged for their skilled care. The Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate will provide a route for them, reaffirming care work as a career, and aiding care companies recruit and retain the right talent.

Negate the need for repeat training with comprehensive learning

During the development of the certificate, the DHSC discovered that 48% of employers didn’t accept a Care Certificate from a prior employer. In addition, 37% of care workers had to recomplete this when moving jobs. These findings highlighted a real need to set the new care certificate apart from other inductions, and prevent repeat training via an accredited qualification.

The course itself covers 15 key topics and areas, subject to Skills for Care and Ofqual approval. These include:

  • Understanding of role
  • Duty of care
  • Nutrition and hydration
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Safeguarding adults and children

…and much more.

How is the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate funded?

As mentioned above, the UK government is launching the new Adult Social Care Training and Development Fund. Over £50 million has been allocated to supporting up to 37,000 individuals in non-regulated direct care roles. To qualify, these individuals must enrol onto the new qualification by March 2025. So, we encourage anyone interested to move quickly and enrol now!

This new fund works as a reimbursement scheme. As the employer, you’ll be able to submit a direct claim for course costs incurred, up to a maximum of £1,500 per learner. This does mean that you will need to initially book and pay for each learner’s enrolment; but you can claim the cost back later. Learners will also need to have started their training before you can submit a claim.

A portion of the funding can be claimed in advance of the learner completing the qualification. For example, you can claim for 60% of course costs once proof of payment and evidence the employee has started the course is provided. Once the employee has completed the course, you can claim for the remaining 40%.

Reimbursement only covers the cost of the course itself, and not associated costs, such as travel, food, etc. Remember, funding will only be for eligible employees that start the course between 3 June 2024 and 31 March 2025. All reimbursement claims for learners who take the course within that time will need to be made before 31 March 2027.

You’ll be able to submit claims online. This is accessed through a user-friendly portal on GOV.UK, set to launch in the Summer of 2024.

Further information

The Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate is an essential for staff in the social care sector. Take full advantage of the government scheme’s available funding by getting your staff enrolled and learning between 3 June 2024 and 31 March 2025, so you can claim back course costs before the 31 March 2027 deadline. That way, you get to upskill your teams without it costing you a penny.

Click the button below to find out more about the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate. Reach out to the Impact Futures Team on 01753 596 004 if you have any questions. We’d love to hear from you!

*View the latest update regarding funding for this qualification and the upcoming general election.

Young adultcare worker visiting elderly woman at home

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